The Long Brilliant Future

Humans have emerged on Earth as the epitome of evolution. No other species comes close in terms of intelligence, dexterity, or resilience. A clear dividing line therefore exists between humans and the other species. We are more than just animals. Humans have something that other animals do not: emotions, and soul. Moreover, unlike every other species on the planet, humans possess free will. We get to shape our destiny, independent of our primitive past or physiological baggage.

So, as members of the pinnacle species, we deserve the bounty of this planet. We have invested our blood, sweat and tears in making it what it is, which is now rightfully ours. Other beings, by contrast, lost the evolutionary race. We should not be ashamed of our superiority and transcendence above animals. We should rejoice, and accept our role as inheritors of Earth, over which our sovereignty is now obvious.

Having accomplished this amazing leap, we recognize that humans now have the power to shape the world as we see fit, according to our imaginations. Our ideas are marvelous to the point of being unearthly—almost magical. The limits that kept other species down no longer apply to us. If we can imagine it, it can be done. And as there are no limits to our imagination, there are no limits we cannot overcome: it’s who we are. Our incredible inventions reshape the world and open up endless possibilities for our role on this planet and beyond.

Next to this grand vision, the slow, grinding, biological mechanisms that led to this point become obsolete. That past is exciting mainly to the extent that it gave birth to the great awakening, when the universe became self-aware through us and things changed forever. Nothing should stand in the way of the human quest for more knowledge, more control, more amazingness. Next to the soaring human endeavor, which may now last indefinitely, no single other species measures up. In the name of science; in the name of progress; in the name of continued human ascendency, the fate of other species takes a back seat. While it might be nice to preserve them, doing so is not critical to what really matters. After all, anything humans do in advancing our greatness serves to make the world a better place.

Now, having read this statement, you can assess how closely it aligns to your viewpoint.  For more context, see this essay.

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